1. Be kind and courteous
We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
2. No hate speech, bullying or peer pressure
ASG is all about being here to support each other as a community and not to take advantage of others. Abuse of any kind isn't allowed and degrading comments towards others will not be tolerated. If anyone receives direct abuse or experiences any issues at all, please contact an admin immediately.
3. No aggressive or negative behaviour
It's easy to get wound up at times, but we're all in this together and negativity towards others doesn't help. Kindness is essential. Let's treat everyone with respect and compassion.
4. Be the support you wish you had
Life is full of ups and downs, and the latter always hits much harder. That means it's up to all of us to be what it takes to lift each other up.
5. Respect each other's privacy
Our group is a supportive community and it's important to recognise that everyone needs their own time and space. Please respect that other members might not always want to interact outside of group activities.
6. No posts on "Curing Autism"
Although Autism can be challenging for us all, we at ASG believe that every individual on the Spectrum is unique and different, but never any less. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a different type of neurology and not necessarily a disability.
7. No spam, self-promotion or unrelated posts
Spam of any kind will be deleted and continued violations may result in a ban.